Proof of KFTD’s Compliance to Anti-Corruption Practices

At this point, we no longer need to explain how corrupt practices have destroyed the trust of so many people in public and private institutions. Overnight, an institution’s or company’s reputation can be ruined once it is discovered that corruption has occurred unbeknownst to people. Therefore, Kimia Farma Group, including PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD), always strives to take anti-corruption measures to prevent any legal issue that may ruin both entities’ reputations.

LHKPN 2024

In recent years, Kimia Farma Group has conducted various anti-corruption activities to raise people’s awareness about the harm of corruption practices. For example, in February 2024, Kimia Farma Group conducted a Dissemination of State Officials’ Wealth Report (LHKPN) in cooperation with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), which was attended by top-level management of Kimia Farma Group, including from KFTD.

One of the main points delivered during the event was to discuss the purpose of wealth reporting, preventing corruption, and maintaining the integrity of national institutions. With sufficient awareness of the potential damage caused by corruption, all Kimia Farma Group members are required to always be transparent and accountable in every business operation.

With this dissemination of anti-corruption principles, Kimia Farma expects all its subsidiaries to prevent corruption at every moment.

2022 Anti-Corruption Circular

KFTD’s consistency in preventing corruption can also be seen in the acceptance of a government circular in April 2022 that addressed the illegality of gratuities as a form of corruption in various Indonesian public institutions.

According to the circular, all KFTD members were not allowed to commit corruption by giving bribes or gifts that could violate the company’s work ethic and ruin good governance practices.

The circular was distributed during the 2022 Eid al-Fitr holiday when people share gifts with their families or colleagues. While giving gifts is not inherently corrupt, many corrupt acts in Indonesia involve gift-giving, which generally undermines the good faith of gift-giving.


The two anti-corruption measures above are some of the latest examples of Kimia Farma’s long-term commitment to protecting its integrity. Due to Kimia Farma’s and KFTD’s enormous role in Indonesia’s pharmaceutical industry, no amount of corruption should be tolerated by a company that is critical to the public interest.